, in a rare show of power, bombed 3 home runs and a pair of singles on
April 29, 1978, as the Reds defeated the Mets, 14-7. Six days later, Rose joined the
3,000-Hit Club in typical "Charlie Hustle" fashion. The fiery Rose beat out an
infield hit for #2999 and then followed with a line drive to left for #3000. Both hits
came off Montreal pitcher Steve Rogers, a future teammate of Rose's when the all-time hit
king briefly played with the Expos in 1984.While Rose would continue
to play another eight seasons, retiring with a record 4,256 hits, the next member of the
3,000-Hit Club reached the mark in the final months of his career. His name: Lou Brock.
Rose's 3,000th Hit |
Date: May 5, 1978 |
Location: Riverfront
Stadium, Cincinnati |
Club: Cincinnati (NL) |
Opponent: Montreal
(NL) |
Pitcher: Steve Rogers |
Hit: Single |
Total career hits:
4,256 |