was the 12th member of the 3,000-Hit Club, and the first American Leaguer
to reach the 3000-hit plateau since Eddie Collins, nearly half a century before. Kaline's
landmark hit came against the Orioles on September 24, 1974, as he tagged a Dave McNally
fastball down the right field line for a double. Hitting #3000 in his home town of
Baltimore was especially sweet for the long-time Tiger star, as both of his parents were
in attendance at the game.Kaline was the second Detroit Tiger to
garner 3,000 safeties, the first being Ty Cobb. The next big leaguer to join the 3,000-Hit
Club would eventually surpass Cobb as the all-time hit king. That player was Pete Rose.
Kaline's 3,000th Hit |
Date: September 24,
1974 |
Location: Memorial
Stadium, Baltimore |
Club: Detroit (AL) |
Opponent: Baltimore
(AL) |
Pitcher: Dave McNally |
Hit: Double |
Total career hits:
3,007 |